Join us on Sunday, November 3, 2024 ... Setup starts about 0800 with Saftey meeting at 9:30, shooting starts at 10:00am...
A message from the Congress of Rough Riders Founder, Snake-eyes Tanner... aka Frank Wargo
Here we are at the start of another season. Our first shoot will be April 7, 2024. I always have a lot of fun catching up with the usual suspects and enjoying the good-natured jibes that always fly between close friends. I know for myself that the shooting sometimes comes in second to spending time with my Cowboy family.
I have been doing Cowboy Action shooting for 25 years now. Some of the members have been with me for almost that long. Maybe that says it all about our sport. You come for the shooting and stay for the people, and we have the best of them. If you have never tried Cowboy shooting or have and did not feel welcome where you shot, come see us. We try our best to live the Cowboy way. Let the great shooters at CORR show you what Cowboy Action shooting is all about. Ask for Snake Eyes, I’ll save a spot on the sign-in sheet for you.
Shooting Mike's 30-40 Krag @ Congress of Rough Riders monthly match... Naugatuck, CT
The Congress of Rough Riders of Ct. (CORR) started about twenty four years ago to promote the sport of Cowboy Action Shooting (CAS) in the southern part of Connecticut. At that time the only other CAS venue was in Avon, Ct. at the Metacon Gun Club. Those living in the southern part of the state had a long drive to get to a CAS match.
Our President and Founder presented the idea of CAS to the then President of High Rock Shooting Association. They were kind enough and interested enough to give him the go-ahead. Those with an interest in CAS spent many weeks building targets and props. On a cold December day in two inches of snow the first CAS match at High Rock Range took place. We had about eight shooters. Some of those shooters are still with us today. Since that first shoot, what came to be known as CORR has continued to this day. As with any club, we have had our ups and downs over the years. The best part is, we are still going strong.
At this time CORR has twenty five active members. Our focus is on new members and advancing the sport of CAS. We do this by offering new shooters that may not have the firearms, leather and clothing required an opportunity to shoot a match using our equipment at no cost to them. What we do ask is that a new shooter observe one match before taking advantage of our offer. Most shooters who do take advantage of this offer come back to shoot with us again. Some have become CORR members that day. We believe shooters should have the opportunity to try something before making a commitment that can be both a time consuming and financial one. CAS may not be for everyone, but maybe it's for you. You won't know until you try it. We have two main rules: SHOOT SAFE and HAVE FUN.
We would love to hear from you, or better yet, come to one of our matches.
Matches held at High Rock Range, 100 Black Forest Road, Naugatuck, CT 06770
Contact any of these folks for more information Frank Wargo aka Snake Eyes Frank Tanner @ 203-296-9547 Harding Dies, aka Col. Douglas @ 203-984-8573 Mike Inigo, aka Porta Reekin' Mike @ 203-910-7562 Mark Wilbur, aka Clay @203-258-3470
There are no matches in Janurary, February and March.
Your support and contributions will enable us to meet our goals and fund our mission.